
Human Resources Policies

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Standards of Conduct Policy

All members of the College community are expected to treat colleagues and students with dignity and respect, and to exercise care and good faith in the performance of job duties. Faculty and professional staff are expected to interact with each other and with students in a professional, respectful manner, with the highest regard for each other's safety and well-being. Citizenship in the Franklin & Marshall community requires respect for the dignity and rights of each individual, respect for public and personal property, and personal and academic honesty.

The standards of conduct described below outline what is expected of each member of the College's faculty and professional staff. Each College employee is responsible for familiarizing him/herself with the types of conduct which are unacceptable, as outlined below.

When violations of standards of conduct occur, the facts and circumstances of the case will be considered to determine the appropriate action. The purpose of corrective action is to modify unacceptable workplace behavior and improve work performance, in order to maintain a productive working environment that everyone can enjoy. Often, a progressive corrective action process is followed in an effort to improve performance. Corrective action may include referral to the College's Employee Assistance Program provider, as appropriate to the situation. In some cases, immediate termination of employment is warranted.

The College, in its sole discretion, makes disciplinary and discharge decisions.

Franklin & Marshall is an "at-will" employer; employees may terminate their employment with the College at any time, and the College may terminate employment and compensation and benefits at any time, with or without cause or notice, in compliance with Pennsylvania and federal law.

Additional information pertaining to members of the faculty can be found in the Faculty Handbook.

Standards of Conduct

The following is a partial list of improper conduct which, when engaged in, shall constitute grounds for corrective action, up to and including immediate termination of employment.

  • Dishonesty, including any falsification or misrepresentation such as knowingly providing incomplete, misleading, or incorrect information in connection with the preparation of a Franklin & Â鶹´«Ã½É«ÇéƬ document, report, or record. Falsification or misrepresentation in connection with an application for employment with the College will be grounds for immediate discharge. Falsifying a timesheet will be grounds for immediate discharge. Knowingly enrolling an ineligible dependent for fringe benefits coverage shall be grounds for immediate discharge.

  • Stealing or sabotage of equipment, tools, and/or other property belonging to any employee, student, or the College.

  • Willful damage, abuse, or destruction of College property or the property of others.

  • Unauthorized possession, sale, or use of intoxicating beverages or drugs on College property, and/or reporting for work under the influence of intoxicating beverages or drugs, or other violations of the College's Policy on Alcohol and Drugs.

  • Unauthorized use, possession, conveyance, or storage of any firearms, explosives, or other dangerous weapons on College premises, including parking lots. Weapons include, but are not limited to, handguns, rifles, shotguns, and other firearms; air guns, pellet guns, and BB guns; axes and knives of any kind other than eating utensils; archery equipment (except equipment owned by the College when possessed or used in the course of instructional programs); fireworks; and any martial arts or security equipment of a dangerous nature.

  • Insubordination, including refusal to perform work as required by a supervisor, and/or inappropriate conversations with, or actions toward, a supervisor.

  • Verbal or physical harassment or intimidation of a co-worker, student, supervisor, or other member of the College community, including violation of the College's Anti-harassment Policy.

  • The use of profane, abusive, vulgar, or threatening language or gestures toward an employee, student, supervisor, or other member of the College community.

  • Fighting, striking, coercing, interfering with, or threatening bodily injury to an employee, student, supervisor, or other member of the College community.

  • Gambling of any kind, including but not limited to bookmaking or numbers writing.

  • Unprofessional conduct, immoral or unethical conduct, and/or indecency.

  • Conviction for a felony or misdemeanor crime relevant to the employee's position at the College.

  • Any act which may endanger the safety of others; engaging in horseplay, carelessness, recklessness, or unsafe workplace behaviors.

  • Willful, deliberate, or repeated violation of College safety rules.

  • Causing damage to, defacement, or destruction of building, equipment or other College property or the property of others.

  • Absence from the College without authorization or acceptable excuse.

  • Leaving the work area during normal working hours without properly notifying one's immediate supervisor.

  • Engaging in other employment during a period of sick leave, Family & Medical Leave, or other paid or unpaid leave without the prior approval of the College.

  • Violation of the College's Conflicts of Interest Policy, including engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with a Franklin & Marshall student or, for a supervisor, with someone he/she supervises, even when consensual.

  • Disclosure of confidential College information to unauthorized persons.

  • In addition, any other conduct, or unsatisfactory work performance, which is of a serious nature and which, in the sole opinion of the College, makes the employee unfit for further service and warrants discharge.

The following is a partial list of improper conduct which, when engaged in, will generally lead to a warning before more severe corrective action is taken. However, immediate discharge may result in some cases if, in the opinion of the College, it is warranted based on the employee's work record.

  • Unsatisfactory work performance.

  • Excessive tardiness or absenteeism, and/or inappropriate use of paid sick leave or other paid leave.

  • Failure to report to work upon expiration of vacation, holiday, or a leave of absence.

  • Failure to observe department work hour schedules, starting times, quitting times, and/or rest and meal periods, including working unauthorized hours.

  • Failure to submit timesheets in a timely manner (falsifying timesheets may lead to immediate discharge).

  • Sleeping, non-work related reading or computer use, or other abuse of time during assigned working hours.

  • Performing unauthorized, personal, and/or non-College related work during normal working hours; using College supplies or equipment for personal business; and/or using the College address for personal business.

  • Intentionally interfering with any employee's performance of duties.

  • Posting, writing on, or defacing bulletin boards, walls, equipment or other material, or altering or removing notices.

  • Improper or unauthorized solicitation or distribution of information on College premises during working time.

  • Smoking in restricted areas and other violations of the College's Smoking Policy.

  • Creating or contributing to unsanitary or poor housekeeping conditions.

  • Reckless driving or parking improperly on College premises.

  • Working in an unsafe or careless manner and/or excessive work-related injuries.

  • Failure to report work-related injuries as required.

  • Any other conduct which, in the sole opinion of the College, violates a College policy, impacts one's ability to effectively perform his/her work, and/or violates the standards the College may reasonably expect from employees.


  • Members of the staff are expected to maintain a professional appearance during working hours, appropriate for a business environment. Professional staff are asked to refrain from wearing jeans, shorts, mini-skirts, "flip flops", and other such casual attire while working on campus or attending business meetings. Professional staff are also encouraged to refrain from wearing heavy perfume or cologne during the workday.

  • Faculty and professional staff are expected to interact with each other and with students in a professional, respectful manner, with the highest regard for each other's safety and well-being.

  • Employees must receive approval from the Associate Vice President, Human Resources, before providing any employment-related recommendation or reference on behalf of the College for a current or former Franklin & Marshall employee (including on social networking sites).

  • Faculty and professional staff are expected to adhere to the .

Use of Social Media

Faculty and professional staff, including supervisory employees, are expected to use good judgment if interacting with students or colleagues via social networking websites, and if posting information about the College or their employment on such sites or blogs.

  • A member of the faculty or professional staff is not to post any financial, confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information about Franklin & Marshall or its students, prospective students, employees, alumni, donors, or Trustees, unless doing so is within the scope of his/her job duties and the appropriate Senior Officer has provided advance approval.

  • Employees are asked to refrain from posting derogatory, untrue, or inflammatory comments about students, prospective students, colleagues or former colleagues, alumni, donors, and Trustees.

  • Employees should not post messages on behalf of Franklin & Â鶹´«Ã½É«ÇéƬ unless doing so is within the scope of their job duties and is authorized by the appropriate Senior Officer.

  • Employees are to refrain from providing an employment reference, on behalf of the College, for a current or former Franklin & Marshall employee.

  • Employees are expected to refrain from personal use of social networking sites during their working hours.

Department managers may establish additional guidelines and expected standards of conduct applicable to their office or department. Such guidelines are to be reviewed in advance with the Associate Vice President or Associate/Assistant Director, Human Resources.

For those employees engaging in contractual work for the College through a state or federal agency, the individual is expected to abide not only by the College's policies but also any policies required by the outside funding agency, including, but not limited to, .

Policy Maintained by: Human Resources, Associate Vice President
Last Reviewed: May 9, 2024